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Ricardo Villalobos – Heike
Ricardo Villalobos – Heike
Ricardo Villalobos – Heike

Ricardo Villalobos – Heike

Rawax / RV-03
69,90 zł
A1: Heike
B1: Heike (Mood Mix)
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Ricardo Villalobos wasn't always the cult figure he is today. At the start of his career he was an underground producer still finding his feet and fomenting his own sound. It was in the first decade of his career that he cooked up this tune and had what is about as close as he will ever get to a techno anthem. 'Heike' rides on big drums with detuned synth lines layered up next to female vocal coos, pixelated synth modulations and prying bass. Its a mental workout as much as a physical one and still bags today, which his why it gets this reissue on Rawax alongside the Mood Mix on the flip which is more dubby and dialled back into to deeper beats.




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Ricardo Villalobos – Heike

69,90 zł